Sunday, May 17, 2009

Search Engine Updates - Where People Are Talking About it?

How people knows that Google dance is started or Google Search Engine is updating its Index.

There is no legal announcement from any search engine that we are updating, but people like us start noticing this things by low index rate, SERP jumping and other things.

And when lots of people start noticing same thing and also in forum user start discussing it then we become sure about updates. Even lots of websites on SEO also talk about it. So keep Searching on it…;)

Some of good forum to know about Search Engine Updates:

Digital Forum

Seo Chat

Warrior forum

website Which will give Search Engine News

Thursday, March 5, 2009

No Brand – Google update is not Giving More Value to Brand

Vince Change - Google Update - Branding

Every time when google dance start people start thinking about whats new change is google bringing. And this time lots of people from start thinking that google is giving more value to brand.

See the video what matt cutts is saying. He said that this change is not necessarily a Google update. Its just a minor change. One of the Googler “vince” have created this change and its known as Vince change.

Only for some queries Google will show give more value to brands. It is all about trust factor into the algorithm for more generic queries. Google is factoring things like trust, page rank, quality, and other factors which give value to page.

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